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Course: Open 6 am - Midnight Daily.
Three sets of tees and baskets per hole (some are currently shared).
Pay to play is $7 per player for the round, $10 per day starting June 1st, 2024.
Winter fees are $7 all day Thanksgiving to Memorial Day. (put money in the slot near the door of the clubhouse)
Annual passes = $100 (family $120)
About the Ridge

Visit the Ridge
2017 Course Photos

On-site Camping
Prices - golf included
$25.00 1 night/person
$30.00 2 nights/person
$40.00 3 nights/person
$45.00 4 nights/person
Call for Reservation
920 754 4006
Showers on-site, 24/7 bathrooms, wood to be purchased on-site (no carry-ins), picnic table and fire pit at all sites.

Silver Cup XXIV
July 12-14 PRO A-tier
July 27-28 Amateurs
PDGA Super Tour A - Tier
& Wisc Tour Event
Huge payout and great prizes.
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